When you are a member at NAOBC, no matter where God takes you, the love for NAOBC remains. It’s part of your DNA. Periodically we’ll spotlight women who were former members – see where they are today and what NAOBC means to them. Today we’re meeting Michele Sirles.

Q: Tell a little about yourself – family, occupation (if applicable), etc. 

A: I was married to Brian Sirles for over 23 years and we had 2 sons, Eric and Ethan. While we were married, Brian served as music minister in different churches around Louisville and I stayed home with our boys and did hair part time. In May 2018, Brian went to be with the Lord after a very unexpected and brief battle with cancer. The next few years were very difficult for the boys and me, but God was good and carried us through. In August 2021, I remarried. I refer to Jeff and my story as the “Halmark” story. Brian and Jeff had been friends for many years and our kids had grown up knowing each other. Jeff faced a life changing year in 2018 also, and as we mourned together and leaned on each other for support, we realized that God had given us “beauty from ashes” and we decided to get married. Together, Jeff and I have 5 kids, one son-in-law and a granddaughter on her way in March 2024.

Q: When did you attend NAOBC? What brought you to NAOBC?

A: I first came to NAOBC in Fall 1990. My mom, Vickie Lane, was encouraging me to come because she thought I needed to meet more people my age because at the church I was attending, I was the only single person there.

Q: Where did you serve while at NAOBC?

A. It wasn’t long after being at NAOBC that I was asked to teach the 7th and 8th grade girls’ Sunday School class. I had never done anything like that before, but I said yes. I have many good memories of teaching with Beth Littlejohn (Stephens) and of the girls in our class.

Q: What memory from your time at NAOBC means the most to you still today?

A. I have so many memories of my time at NAOBC. The one that has stuck out the most since being asked to answer this question is a memory I have of the first Bible Study class I did at NAOBC. I had never done a class like this so I was very nervous about going. The class was the study on Experiencing God. My first class, I remember this man being in there. He said he had to be there because his son was teaching it, and then he laughed. I remember thinking how funny he was. As the class progressed, I remember thinking there was something about this man that was special. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but there was something about him. A few years later, this man, Urb Sirles, became my father-in-law. Shortly after this class, there was a singles ski trip. On this trip, I hung out with a really fun guy who taught me how to ski. That guy, Brian Sirles, I married.

Q: What is one thing you loved about NAOBC?

A: What I loved the most about my time at NAOBC was how quickly I felt like this was my church home. The Lord used my time there to grow me in my walk with Him and to prepare me for the life He had in store for me ahead. That life hasn’t always been what I wanted it to be, but the Lord has been good and faithful to carry me through all the good and bad times.