When you are a member at NAOBC, no matter where God takes you, the love for NAOBC remains. It’s part of your DNA. Periodically we’ll spotlight women who were former members – see where they are today and what NAOBC means to them. Today we’re meeting Niki Millraney.

Q: Tell a little about yourself – family, occupation (if applicable), etc. 

A: I am married to the Man, the Myth, the Legend…”Ernest T Snottwad!” a.k.a Gary. My official title was (and still may be)… the “totally inappropriate purple -haired preacher’s wife” where we served faithfully on church staffs all these years.

I run on coffee and Jesus as we have recently launched two daughters into the world of adulthood! After retiring from the classroom where I loved everyday being a teacher, I now spend my days at Cassidy’s Cause Therapeutic Riding Academy where I serve as an instructor in Equine Therapy for those with exceptionalities. 

Q: When did you attend NAOBC? What brought you to NAOBC?

A: We attended from 1995- 2000 when Gary was at Southern Seminary and then took the youth ministry position.

Q: Where did you serve while at NAOBC?

A. We were those crazy kids on Taylor Blvd who ministered to our surrounding area.  The kids used to call us ” two pieces of rice in a bowl of black eyed peas.” We were part of the church in the tent era, the old white house era, and the era where we saw God do some crazy stuff to get a Narthex on Breckenridge Lane!

Q: What memory from your time at NAOBC means the most to you still today?

A: I still get chills remembering the first Sunday at that new building where we all worked so hard to make a reality.  Hearing that first drum lick and the pastor leading us in a group recitation. We said it over and over again.  ” The Lord has built this church.” We declared then God was on the throne at Ninth and O!

Q: What is one thing you loved about NAOBC?

A: That one is easy!  This church will forever be the place where I tested my faith and found it could be trusted.  I was a brand new wife at 21 years old and away from home for the first time ever.  I had to step out on the faith I was raised with and see if I could stand on it by myself.  God proved to me that I could!